What Kind Of Bow Should I Get?

Are you looking to upgrade your bow, but not sure what factors you should consider? This article will outline some of your possible choices to help you figure out what is best for you!

Carbon Fiber or Wood?

A common question from customers looking to upgrade their bow is whether carbon fiber or wood bows sound better. In reality, it’s just a matter of preference. Most professional string musicians prefer the warmer sound of wood bows, but carbon fiber bows are sturdier, and high-quality ones can also produce a professional sound. There are also “hybrid” bows, which have a sturdy carbon fiber core that is wrapped in wood to warm up the sound of the bow.

Heavy or Light?

The weight of a bow is an important factor that can determine whether or not a bow is comfortable to use. Often, violinists favor a lighter bow for their smaller, more delicate instruments and thinner strings, while violists, cellists, and bassists often favor a heavier bow to get a stronger sound from their thicker strings. Lighter bows may make it more difficult to produce a strong, heavy sound, while heavy bows may make light bow strokes such as spiccato more difficult. It is important to consider what style of playing you do most often–for example, if you play mostly classical-era music, you may want a lighter bow to produce a lighter sound.

Bright or Dark?

The tone of your bow should match the tone of your instrument. If you have an instrument with a dark sound, you probably want a bow with a dark sound as well. Typically, string musicians match their bow to the instrument rather than matching their instrument to the bow.

French or German (bass)?

While French bows are more common, many bassists prefer German bows for their sound and ease of playing. German bows are known for being able to produce a bigger, denser sound, while French bows often provide the musician with more control. The German bow hold is also easier for some musicians to pull the sound from their strings, rather than pressing on the strings from above. Again, choosing between the two is a matter of preference and what feels more comfortable to the individual.

Both sound and comfortability are very important when choosing a bow, so make sure to consider every factor carefully. Good luck finding the right bow for you! For personal assistance, feel free to come into our shop or contact us at info@kcstrigns.com