Gifts for Your Musical Child This Holiday Season

Do you want to get your child a gift to support their musical passion, but you’re not sure what would be useful? Here are some ideas of gifts of varying prices that will be helpful and fun for your child!

1. Tickets To A Local Concert

Tickets to a local concert will definitely be an exciting gift! Live, professional performances are an important experience for every young musician. Concert tickets are a wide range of prices, so you will likely be able to find one that fits your budget. Several organizations in the Kansas City area even provide free concerts! Lists of local concerts each month can also be found on the K.C. Strings blog.

2. New Strings

Strings can get very expensive due to the materials and labor involved in producing them. However, they can completely change the sound of an instrument! If your student expresses interest in trying a particular set of strings, it would be a very thoughtful gift. If you are worried about accidentally purchasing the wrong strings, you can write them a coupon for a set of strings and bring them with you to purchase them. Strings vary in price depending on the instrument (they become more expensive as the size of the instrument increases) and quality, and can cost anywhere from $30-300.

3. Stickers For Their Instrument Case

If your child has a fiberglass case, you could purchase stickers to stick to it! Look for stickers of their favorite animals, hobbies, or places.

4. Rosin

If your child is using a basic student rosin, their rosin has dried out, or they are not satisfied with their rosin, you could give them a new type of rosin to try or a fresh cake of their favorite type. Recommendations for rosin will vary depending on the instrument and strings that the student has, so you can discuss with their private teacher or talk to a K.C. Strings employee to determine a rosin that might work for them. Rosin for beginner to intermediate students ranges from $5-40.

5. Original Sheet Music

If your child is working on a solo piece and planning to perform it for Solo and Ensemble Festival or for a concert, having an original copy is much more professional and easy to read than printing off the sheet music. However, there are likely multiple editions of their solo, so you may want to consult with their private teacher to figure out what the best edition to purchase would be. Originals vary in price, and some can be rather expensive, depending on the solo and edition. They are typically under $50.

6. A Wall Mount Or Stand For Their Instrument

When your student doesn’t have to make the effort to take their instrument out of their case, they will practice more often. Keeping an instrument on a wall mount or stand is a great way to motivate students to practice. Just make sure that your house can be kept at a stable room temperature and humidity before you start keeping it out in the open. Wall mounts for violin and viola are usually $15-20 and stands for cello and bass are about $100-200.

7. Items For Upkeep

Taking good care of your string instrument is very important to avoid the need for costly repairs. A few helpful upkeep items include:

  • A humidifier to place inside the instrument or case to regulate its humidity and prevent cracks, open seams, and dramatic changes in tuning. These cost $10-15.
  • Instrument polish to prevent buildup of oil or dirt on the varnish of the instrument. At K.C. Strings, you can purchase a bottle of Krutz instrument polish (made specifically to work with Krutz instrument varnish but also usable on instruments of other brands) for $6.

8. Tuner And Metronome

A physical tuner and metronome can be very beneficial over an app on your child’s phone for several reasons: it will help them avoid distractions, have more accurate pitch, and often be louder than the tuner/metronome on their phone. Tuner and metronomes are typically $30-50. You can also buy a tuner without a metronome function for about $20-25.

9. Gift Certificate

If you're not exactly sure what to get but the above ideas intrigue you, a gift certificate could be a great option! We and many other stores offer gift certificates for any amount.

We hope these ideas help! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at: Happy holidays!